Thursday, January 1, 2009

1st Annual New Years Invitational

What better way to ring in the new year than 4 hours of quality volleyball at our favorite sand venue. Ana, Chris, Dave, Eric, George, Gregg, John, Kurt, and Scott had a great time playng in the sporadic rain and wind. Gregg was back on the court for the first time since tearing his quadriceps tendon in September (his first time on the new courts), but playing on the "no jump" court.

Nice stylin gators, Scott!

Lots of great play...unfortunately little of that was captured by the camera.

John doesn't let George's sweep block bother him. Check out their height above the net...almost as if they were playing on a women's height net.

Scott follows through off of John's set.

Dave adjusts in mid-air to achieve a full force spike...either that or he's just a spazoid jumper.

Eric shows daughter Ana what a good topspin serve can do.

The only good video of some decent play. Kurt snaps one to the middle on a great set out of the supple gloved hands of George.