Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow in the Harbor, sun at the courts

On a snowy and slightly windy day, the sun shined on the courts for a bit. Regardless, there was more volleyball play to be had. Regulars George, Scott, Dave, and Gregg were joined by Tim (just back from an AF Guard tour in New Zealand) and Jeff.

Dave is proud of his deep poking skills...this time over Tim's block.

Tim pounds hard onto the tape for a nice dribbler winner.

A couple shots of Dave hitting...

And now George...

Me thinks a kill is in Dave's near future...

Yeah, like this one...

A photo intended to shame Dave into playing never again...

The closest thing to Gregg spiking since the leg injury reduced him to credit card height jumping abilities...

Even though there's a BMX death-trap located 20 feet away from the courts, City concerns about litigation over injuries must be the reason behind this bizarre sign...double click photo to read the fine print.

We're still trying to figure out how to line the sand with a nice even border. This cedar tree was delivered a couple weeks ago with instructions to peel and place before others are delivered. We can't figure out what they have in mind because these logs ranging from 3 feet to 8 inches in diameter won't do.

With the Parks Appreciation Day approaching, we're hopeful that we'll be able to upgrade the court borders and the park around the court to match the quality of the courts themselves. The City and PenMet Parks appear to be willing to help. While we continue to play, we patiently anticipate the upcoming sunny days at our new park.