Sunday, November 7, 2010

Local Geezers Go Indoors, Earn Bronze at Huntsman

Each October, a huge sporting event is held in St. George, Utah called the Huntsman World Senior Master Games. It attracts over 10,000 top athletes who come to play more than 25 different sports. We decided to take a group of players down to see how we would do in a national tournament.

The indoor 6-man team was comprised of regular PAA league players Jeff Cochran, Loren Johnson, George Lee, Blake Surina, Jerry Timm, John van den Heuvel, and Gregg Vermillion along with Olympian (from Olympia, that is) Dave Lawrence who substituted for the injured Chris Nelson. Young Davey Hays accompanied the team to ensure they had a good time.

The team named "Harbor Heuvels" was sponsored by the Hy Iu Hee Hee tavern, Gensco HVAC, Timm Designs, and Gritty Threads. It practiced 3 times prior to the tournament under the expert tutelage of coach Michael Miller from the 253 Elite Juniors Volleyball Club. The practices seemed to pay dividends as the the team brought home the bronze medal in the 50+ division.

Blake was a force on the strong side, but here he shows he can pass, too

Libero Loren...was Johnny on the spot all day (not to be confused with JohnV on the spot).

Middle hitter Jeff pounds through a block...

Strong-side hitter George on the attack and JohnV knows he better cover...

Setter Gregg offering up another floater...

Middle hitter John looks to throw another one down...literally.

Weak-side hitter Jerry is scary to old short fat blockers...

John instructs the 2nd referee to go order Asstralian beers for us at Chili's.

By the way, it looks like next year the Huntsman Games is adding sand volleyball. We tried out their ample courts one night until midnight when the lights went out. Our local courts are much nicer, but we don't have lights...yet, that is.