Sunday, December 14, 2008

Play continues through the winter

Despite a failing hillside, frigid temperatures, and even snow, you'll find folks playing on the courts at least once a week. Discovery of windsurfing booties at the local Ship & Shore store was a key find, as these are tougher and warmer than the standard sand volleyball socks.

After watching the UW Women take out Utah on Friday night, it was time to play, so Dave sent a broadcast text msg plea and later met George, Kurt, and John at the courts on Saturday afternoon. Braving the 40 degree temps, they played 3 hard-fought games before the sun went down.

Only a poor set could cause acrobatics like this from Dave.

Johnny waits ready for an overhand dig behind George's pathetic kong block. Note the pair of kids playing on the other courts. The word is out about these courts, and we continue to see more people using them...even in the winter.

John finishes with a cross-court hit past Dave after a long, accurate set from George.

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