Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another Big Volunteer Work Day

The objectives for the day were to finish the concrete walls, dig holes for netting poles, and install all poles in concrete. Mission accomplished and more.

You can see the extent of this improvement project from these two photos. 330 feet of concrete border or wall around the entire edge of the sand to form a nice border plus poles installed outside the fence around 2 sides of the court.

The poles will be used to hang netting...a crucial improvement necessary to keep the ball inside the court when George pounds a spike down the line off of an unsuspecting digger.

Expert concrete contractors Ron Miller and son Matthew of Universe Construction gave us a great discount on their labor. Thanks to rain and landslides, the east wall turned into a real bear, but as you can see here, the Millers had it under control by week end.

Bill Miller provided not just hard work, but expertise from his experience creating other beautiful parks around the harbor. Here Vicki takes a short break from chipping away the slag to observe Bill pulling off some forms.

The poles around the entrance to the courts took a bit of extra figuring by (from left) Eric, Ana, Chris, and Evan.

Hard workers Scott, Gregg, and Vicki wrestled with the other entrance pole...

...while 6 others, including George's twin, Evan, Dave, Andrea, and Chris offered advice from on high.

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