Sunday, September 14, 2008

City completes grading

A lot has happened since the last posting. The City crew continued adding and moving dirt around. After it became clear that the courts wouldn't fit, the City relented and brought in some extra horsepower to cut into the East slope and dig the hole 2.5 feet deeper. They worked hard all day and finished by close of business on the 11th. For a little while, we thought we could finish our part (drainage ditches, poles, final grading, gravel substrate) before the deadline for sand delivery on Monday the 15th, but alas, there was too little time. As expected, the site has a serious drainage problem, and we didn't want to rush to the wrong solution and waste all our efforts. Unfortunately, we had to tell our sand supplier and new volleyball friend, David Gallagher, thanks but no thanks, which was a big disappointment because we were to receive that sand at a 66% discount.

These are just a glimpses of the large amount of dirt that was brought in.

We ended up with nearly what the grading plan designated...a large flat bowl with a 3 foot rim all the way around the edge...and it's only a couple feet smaller than we planned. We still think we can make it work.

Note the huge pond in the SE corner that we now need to deal with...

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