Sunday, September 28, 2008

Progress Slows due to too much play!

Progress has slowed now that the courts are suitable for play and the weather has been nice. Here's the extent of the crew (Dave) that showed up at 12:30 for the work party. But I heard 8 were planning to show for play at 3pm. Play first, work gotta love the priorities of the typical volleyball bum. Actually, both George and Kurt were on the way to help Dave when I left about 1:30.

What still remains is installing the border logs that will make the courts look a lot more finished. Two out of the 32 logs are now in place.

We meet with the City tomorrow afternoon with hopes of coming to an agreement on needed fencing and additional landscaping.

Our grand opening ceremony still doesn't have a date. Too many key people will be gone on the Oct 11th weekend, so it might be Oct 4th or Oct 18th.

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