Thursday, September 18, 2008

We're almost there!

My last post was too many words and too few pictures, so this one will be the opposite.

Tomorrow (Friday), the last of the sand will get spread, and the log border installed. Bill Winchester, owner/operator of Wauna Tractor Services, will finish final grading and build some mounds for our BMX neighbors. Then on Saturday we plan to install the net systems, and get the first games going. There might be some final raking that folks can do while waiting to play.

We've seen an awesome week of progress, and it's hard to believe we're this far along only a week after we took over from the City. Bill has been amazing helping us solve problems as they're encountered. He truly lived up to his reputation as one of the best "dirt guys" in the area.

This first photo is from the City crew's last day on Thursday the 11th. I want Kyle, the big guy, as my doubles partner.

And when we took over, there was that wet spot we needed to deal with...

Monday was gravel spreading day...6-8 inches of drain rock covering the entire area...

Looks pretty nice at this point...ready for the layer of drain fabric.

Inserts for fence posts were installed in concrete on Tuesday evening...these are the two center post awaiting a final yard of concrete before the sand goes on.

Unfortunately, we missed the deadline for obtaining the heavily discounted sand from Narrows Plaza Bowl. Imagine our surprise and elation, though, when we obtained that same sand from its new owner Walrath Trucking for $1500 less than we would have paid to purchase from Narrows Plaza and pay for trucking separately!!??

Spreading the sand on Wednesday...

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