Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Way Back in January 2008...

With encouragement from City Manager Rob Karlinsey, volleyball enthusiasts Gregg, Cliff, Dave, George, and Chris descended upon the Parks Commission with an idea to build two sand volleyball courts in Gig Harbor. After a detailed trade study and much discussion about feline defecation habits, the group settled on a location at the southeast corner of the BMX Bike Park at the corner of 96th and Crescent Valley Drive. By the middle of April, the project was approved by the City Council.

The group's efforts to cooperate with BMX bikers and city officials were highlighted in a Peninsula Gateway article by reporter Paige Richmond.
See http://www.gateline.com/104/story/1243.html

A couple months later, the group had lined up the necessary monies to pay for the courts...thanks to monetary contributions from Peninsula Athletic Association and PenMet Parks, and volunteered service and labor from local businesses and individuals.

From the Seaside Volleyball Mens' A Quads tournament in August, this is an example why we need a sand court for practice in Gig Harbor...Roof!

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